Expressing Different Levels of Liking in Spanish

Learn how to express different levels of liking in Spanish with the verbs “gustar” and “caer.” Use “gustar” to express romantic or sexual interest and “caer” to express liking someone as a person or friend. Add adjectives like “mucho” for emphasis and use different forms for third-person expressions. Get a complete guide on how to use these verbs on our website. #SpanishLearning #ExpressingLiking #Gustar #Caer #LearnSpanish

What are the different ways to express liking someone in Spanish, either romantically or as a person?”

In Spanish, use the verb “gustar” to express romantic or sexual interest (e.g., “Me gustas” means “I like you” romantically), and the verb “caer” to express liking someone as a person or friend (e.g., “Me caes bien” means “I like you” as a person). Add adjectives like “mucho” for emphasis, and use different forms for third person expressions.

In the Spanish language, there are various ways to express affection towards someone. It is essential to understand the differences between liking someone romantically or sexually and liking someone as a person or friend. This article will guide you through these distinctions in Spanish and teach you how to include adjectives for emphasis.

Liking Someone Romantically or Sexually


Spanish uses the verb “gustar” when expressing romantic or sexual interest in someone. When “gustar” is used concerning a particular person, it implies romantic or sexual attraction.

Using Gustar in Statements and Questions

  • I like you. (in a romantic/sexual way): Me gustas.
  • Do you like me? (in a romantic/sexual way): ¿Te gusto?

You can also add “mucho” at the end of these phrases to mean “really” or “a lot.” For example, “I really like you” would be “Me gustas mucho.”

Note: For expressing “I love you” in Spanish, refer to our guide on how to say “I love you” in Spanish.

Liking Someone as a Person (Non-Romantic)


When expressing that you like someone as a person or a friend, without any romantic or sexual connotations, use the verb “caer.”

Using Caer in Statements and Questions

  • I like you. (as a person, no romantic/sexual connotations): Me caes bien.
  • Do you like me? (as a person, no romantic/sexual connotations): ¿Te caigo bien?

Using Adjectives with Caer

When using “caer,” you need an adjective to express whether your opinion of the person is good or bad. In the example above, “bien” means “fine” or “well.” If you want to say that you don’t like someone as a person, change the adjective to “mal,” which means “bad” or “badly.”

  • I don’t like you. (as a person): Me caes mal.

Liking Someone in Spanish: Third Person Examples

Here are some phrases using the third person to help you understand expressions like “Do you like her,” “I like him,” and “Does he like her.”

  • I like him (romantically/sexually): Me gusta él.
  • I like her (as a person): Me cae bien ella.
  • Do you like her (romantically/sexually)? ¿Te gusta ella?
  • Does he like her (as a person)? ¿Le cae bien ella?

Understanding these distinctions in the Spanish language will help you convey your feelings more accurately and avoid potential misunderstandings. By using “gustar” and “caer” appropriately, you can express your affection towards someone, whether romantically, sexually, or as a person or friend.

Lessons Learned

The article provides valuable insight into expressing various levels of affection in the Spanish language. Understanding the distinction between romantic and non-romantic expressions is crucial to accurately convey your feelings and avoid misunderstandings.

The first lesson is the importance of choosing the correct verb when expressing your liking for someone. Using “gustar” for romantic or sexual interest and “caer” for non-romantic expressions helps achieve clarity in your message. Remembering to use “gustar” for romantic contexts and “caer” for platonic relationships will ensure you are understood correctly by the listener.

Another lesson learned from this article is the significance of adding adjectives to emphasize your feelings. Including words like “mucho” to express “a lot” or “really” can strengthen your statement, making it more impactful. Furthermore, using the right adjective with “caer” can either express a positive or negative opinion of someone as a person.

Lastly, the article highlights the importance of understanding third-person expressions in the Spanish language. Familiarizing yourself with phrases like “Do you like her,” “I like him,” and “Does he like her” will improve your overall communication skills and make you a more effective Spanish speaker. By applying these lessons, you can confidently express your feelings in Spanish, whether romantic, sexual, or platonic.

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